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Back to School Tips

Back to School Tips

It’s that time of year again! Back to school season is upon us and I’m so excited. As I settle into my first semester of Grad school, I have learned a few key tips that help me maintain good grades and stay on top of my homework. 

Here are my 3 back to school tips

1.     Set boundaries

The fun and games are over and now is the time to refocus and get your life together. If you have family and friends that rely on you, or other responsibilities waiting on you, it’s important to set boundaries. Let people know ahead of time that you can no longer do this or that for them because you will be back in school. Step back from non-academic commitments that may interfere with your schedule. Don’t feel guilty for cutting things out of your life that does not benefit you during the school year. Your education is an investment, so make it a priority.

2.     Do not procrastinate

Time flies when you procrastinate so don’t play yourself. Laziness will be your downfall if you don’t change; I know because I’m speaking from experience. Get your homework, reading and projects done on time. I recommend starting them ahead of time so there is wiggle room to make improvements if necessary.

3.     Organize your schedule

Life will go a lot smoother if you are organized. Prepare your school materials, lunch and outfit the night before. Set aside days that you will study or have down-time because self-care is important. Use a planner or your phone calendar to jot down important reminders and plan your week. These little things make a huge difference.

4.     Manage your time wisely

This ties in with the organization tip but time management is the key to success. The more responsibilities you have, the less time you should waste, so wake up early to get a head start on the day. Minimize social media scrolling unless you need a mental break or already completed your to-do list.

I hope these tips are helpful, I’m working on living by these tips myself so we will keep each other accountable this school year. Good Luck this semester. Stay Original 

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