I am Original
I am so excited to announce that I will be selling hand made journals by Slim Note, that encourages people to stay Original. This has been one of my visions for a long time because I love to write, and seeing that daily reminder is such a blessing to me. I hope it is a blessing to you too.
Why do you need a journal? I mean who writes any more?
1. Preserve memories
Writing by hand is a skill that I think our generation is missing out on. But keeping a physical record of your thoughts, experiences and life events can be very beneficial. Let's be honest, the human memory is not a reliable source, and over time, we actually alter our memories based on what events were most important to us. So journaling helps us retain that information and store it for later. I love going back and reading stuff that I wrote in high school. It's cool to see how much I've grown and how much has changed.
2. Organizing ideas
I'm the kind of person who needs to write things down in order to remember. I do this with my schedule, homework, blog ideas, financial budgeting and reminders. But the area that I organize ideas most if when I'm reading my bible. Most of the time, if I just read without jotting somethings down, I'll miss key points. Writing things down also helps me plan things out. I can make realistic goals and set a schedule when I see all my plans written down on paper.
3. Remember God's goodness
I got into journaling when I first got saved, and the church I attend stresses the importance of writing down main ideas when reading the word of God. I think that journaling has become very common place in Christian culture because of that. I have acquired countless journals that sit proudly on my book shelf. Sometimes I go back and read a few of the things I wrote, and I'm amazed at the insight God gave me at that age. Most of the time, rereading journal entries reminds me of things I have been through that have already escaped my memory. I also forget some of the blessing and answered prayers God has given me, so rereading journal entries helps me stay in awe of Gods mercy.
3. Creative outlet
Overtime I have developed a love for writing. It is just super relaxing to sit down, light a candle, sip a good cup of tea, and listen to calm music while I write. My mom is actually a writer too, and she talks about how she is going to publish a book one day. I would love to see her writing dreams come true, and she encourages me to develop and invest in my writing as well. I would love to write a book in the future so having journals helps me work towards that dream.
Well Iv'e given you many reason to grab yourself an Orig1nal Journal. So please click the link below, and choose from one of the custom made options. Thank you.