Be confident
Confidence is a quality that takes time to cultivate. I realized that something changed in me and I suddenly became more comfortable in my skin. But as I look back at my insecure days, I realized that it was all in my head. I would focus on all the things that I couldn't afford, places I couldn't go and things I couldn't do. My negative perception of my life translated to the way a carried myself. I kept hopping and praying that I would be more confident, not knowing that God already gave me confidence, I just wasn't tapping into it.
I want you guys to understand that if you want something in life, you have to start by believing that can get it. Believe that you have the ability to achieve it, and that will motivate you to go after it. Don't expect material things to give you confidence, be confident. Just be confident, it's that simple.
“People who say that they CAN and those who say that they CAN NOT are both right”
1) Change your mindset
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good, and acceptable and perfect.”
Confidence starts in your mind. In the first 5 chapters of Romans 12, Paul talks about renewing your mind in order to discern God's will for your life. Along with living a life of purity, I believe that God is calling me to live more boldly and confidently. Therefore I have to change the way I think of myself, and exchange it for the way God sees me. Convince yourself that you are confident, believe it and claim it over your life.
2) Fake it till you make it
If you want to be good at something, you have to practice, and this applied to confidence. Practice walking more confidently, talking more confidently and it will eventually come naturally. Surround yourself with people who are confident and learn from them. Take time to invest in yourself by reading books, and watching videos that teach you techniques on confidence. Then go out there and do it.
You build your self esteem based on what other people think of you. But confidence is how you act based on what you think of yourself.
3) Present yourself properly
Don't wear things that make you feel uncomfortable or ugly. Present yourself properly in public because people are always watching you, analyzing and forming opinions of you. Your confidence shouldn't be tired to your outward appearance, but the way you present yourself influences how people will respond to you.
“Even in your most casual outfit, make sure you look nice”
I hope this encourages you to be bold, be confident and be original
Pictures by KanaKaNgai