Jesus Calling — Orig1nal Blog


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Jesus Calling

Jesus Calling

Jesus calling – Sarah Young


This is a daily devotional book that gives you encouraging words and Bible verses to help you get through the day. They are written by the author and sometimes she narratives it through the persona of God himself. I can't remember if I bought this book or if someone gave it to me as a gift. Either way, it is a very popular devotional book that is well appraised in the popular Christian culture. I have even seen one of my favorite male models reading it on his snap chat. So if you have a hard time finding time to read your bible every day, this is a good start. I find that some days it speaks directly to my situation but sometimes it doesn't. I personally don't think you should limit your time with God by only reading daily devotionals. You should also have your own bible reading plan to take you deeper into Gods word. Jesus Calling does help you stay consistent, and you can always take that little daily lesson and expand on it by reading more in the word that pertain to the lesson. It also comes as an app, if you want to access it easier everyday. And there are many more resources by this author but this book is the only one I'm familiar with. I encourage you to get it because it helped me through some tough times.

Here are a few devotional's for today:

Soul Print

Soul Print

We Should All Be Feminists

We Should All Be Feminists