What do you Have to Offer?
Have you ever felt incompetent? Have you ever been intimidated by the more skilled or experienced people around you? Well, you have something to offer, no matter how insignificant it may seem. The only thing disqualifying you from being where you want to be in life, is your limited perception of what you have to offer. Don't shrink yourself out of fear because failure is just a lesson learned, so take the lessons and try again. I'm a firm believer that God has given everyone on earth skills, gifts, insight, and talents that we can use to bring Glory to his name.
“What would you do if money wasn’t an issue?”
How to figure out what you have to offer:
1. Pray for Gods revelation
This is difficult but I know that my identity is found in Christ therefore I find peace in him. Through studying God's word and learning more about Jesus's love for his people, you will learn more about who you are. Ask for God to give you clarity on what you should do with your time/talents, and he will guide you.
2. Ask close friends and family
If you don't think you have anything to offer, ask those who are close to you to tell you what they think you're good at. The people who spend the most time with you see things in you that you don't see in yourself. We are quick to judge and second guess ourselves, so ask others what talents they see in you. Of course take their advice with a grain of sand, because some people can be discouraging or may not see your full potential.
3. Focus on perfecting one skill
I’ve noticed that a lot of talented people have multiple gifts but are usually gifted in one area more than others. If there is something you are good at, spend more time perfecting that gift and once you have, it will open more doors for you.