4 Ways to be More Confident
Confidence is a difficult term to define because people perceive confidence differently. I believe that confidence is birthed from your perspective of yourself, and that influences how you carry yourself. It took me a while to grow into myself but I'm glad that I took my time to mature. I have come a long way, and I want to share with you guys my tips on how to become more confident.
“A feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities”
1. Find peace in who you are
If you're not at peace with you are, then you cannot radiate authentic confidence without being at conflict with yourself. Some people rely on material possessions, good looks and affirmation in order to feel confident. But true confidence comes from within and will show itself no matter what you look like, what you have or how many people like you.
2. Surround yourself with friends that encourage you
I am blessed to have close friends who build me up instead of tear me down. It's unhealthy to be surrounded by friends who are constantly in competition with you or who don't want whats best for you. I think that media glorifies unhealthy friendships in order to get more views, but it's important to have healthy relationships where you all want to see each other succeed. That doesn't mean you should surround yourself with people who tell you what you want to hear, but get friends who are honest with you, and who support your endeavors. Keep people who have seen you through your bad times, and who are there for you even when you're not popping or successful, cause those are real friends.
3. Walk with self-assurance
If you don't carry yourself with confidence, you will get treated less than what you're worth. From personal experience, I used to let little disrespectful things fly, until on day I realized that I shouldn't be taking crap from people. I chose to pay attention to my demeanor when I'm around different people, then started carrying myself with more confidence. I started walking up straight, looking people in the eye's and letting go of my childish ways. I'm not saying that you should put on a show and be fake, but be mindful of the unspoken ways in which you convey to people that you are not confident. There are subtle unspoken signs that people give that say a lot about the kind of person they are. If it helps, ask a close friend or family member to point out any quirky things that you do that could easily be improved.
4. Trust yourself
A confident person knows what they want and goes after it. They don't sway from left to right, but are goal oriented and focused. I'm attributing these characteristic to confidence because I believe that when you are are confident you trust your instincts, and decisions. Confidence doesn't magically make you perfect, but it limits the amount of nervous, half assed and unsure things that you do because you know yourself better.
I hope this post encourages you! Leave a comment below and tell me about your opinion on confidence. Stay Original