What are You Waiting For?
What is stopping you from doing what you have been thinking about for years? Why haven't you tried your hand at that hobby you wish you were better at? Why haven't you started working on that brilliant idea?
A few people have told me that they see so much potential in me as a creative. I thank God everyday for friends who uplift me and speak life into my dreams, but my fears and insecurities get in the way. When people compliment my writing skills or tell me that they love my blog, I'm always surprised. When people suggest new business ideas that I've considered pursuing before, but I tell them about all the reasons why I haven't done that yet. One day my boss even said "why do you always say that you're not creative Ori?". After reflecting on my negative attitude towards new ideas, I had to ask myself why I easily dismissed opportunities for growth.
We all know the saying "we are our own worse enemies", but I want to encourage ya'll to stop getting in your own way. Don't let the fear of failure or judgement stop you from trying something new. Most creatives are self taught and spend years perfecting their craft before they get better. Certain skills come naturally to others and some have to practice more to be good but either way, do it. Don't give up on your talent or let it go to waste. God has given everyone a talent that should be used to glorify him. When we choose not to use it, or are lazy with it, we're being selfish and ungrateful. When we allow ourselves to pursue our dreams despite the fear/insecurity, we allow ourselves to experience a more fulfilling life.
Don't let insecurity stop you from:
- Trying new things
- Writing those jokes
- Recording that song
- Performing in public
- Being creative
- Learning a new skill
- Starting your own business
- Hosting that show
- Changing your style
- Meeting new people
Don't let fear stop you from:
- Going after what you really want
- Changing careers
- Applying to that university
- Asking for a raise at work
- Applying for that new job
- Asking for help
- Leaving that unhealthy relationship
- Traveling
- Investing in that new equipment
- Changing your major
Picture: @Lightuptheworldd
You may not succeed the first time you try something different, you may loose money on that business investment, people may laugh at your ideas, people may not take you seriously, you may suck at performing and you may not get that new job, but that shouldn't stop you from trying. Disappointment and failure are a crucial part of life that propels us to do better. In order fail forward, first you gotta try. So what are you waiting for?
Comment below and let me know what stops you from trying something new